Northwest University Pages

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Women of Northwest University

I am not sure why it is...but, quite often I have heard fellow pastors making fun of the women that they attended college with.  Particularly those who went to a Christian University and trained to be career clergymen.  "Those girls were there for one reason--to find a husband," so the story goes.  I always found it strange, because a large percentage of those flapping their lips are married to one of the "girls" who did find a husband.  My view of the women of Northwest University is a very different take than that.

Firstly, I'm proud to say that I did marry one of the "girls" from NU, and she is the finest person I have ever known.  There is no doubt, I married up...way up!  Jody was only one of the many young women at NU that were impressive.  For me arriving on campus at NU was a very encouraging social experience.  By the time I graduated from high school, there was only one girl in my youth group at church that was my age and she was engaged to my best friend at the time.  The odds were stacked against me that I was going to marry my high school sweetheart, because she simply did not exist.  With the large Mormon population in my hometown of Idaho Falls, it was difficult just to find a girl to be your friend, much less a girl that you would consider for a more significant relationship.

That all changed when I arrived at Northwest!  I remember my first spiritual emphasis week that Fall quarter. Hundreds of young men and women worshiping God.  Many of them already had a ministerial calling and a deep commitment to God.  I was not--I repeat, I was not looking for a wife, but the opportunity to find a quality partner just went up a thousand or so percentage points.  Within the first month of arriving at NU (all of 18 years of age) I started a courtship with the person that I am still married to 35 years later.  I had many great experiences at NU; however, hands down, Jody was the best thing that happened to me during my four years.

I can tell you why I do not make fun of the women at NU--even those that "are" looking for a husband.  As a young man I liked being surrounded by beautiful, vivacious, intelligent, spiritual, talented women.  For the guys who still do not recognize the value of the NU "girls" it is high time that they sign up for some gender sensitivity training.  To the women of Northwest University, both present and past, whatever you pursue in this life, you have my vote!