Northwest University Pages

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Passing of a Legend

Linfield Crowder passed away this year.  For those of us who grew up in the Southern Idaho District of the Assemblies of God, Linfield Crowder was a legend.  For many of us, who would later try to take up the spiritual mantel of this man of God, Linfield was the apostolic ("yes" apostolic) voice that encouraged us to do so.  Outside of my family, Linfield had the greatest spiritual impact of anyone in my life.  I think that it is safe to say that I am in the ministry, because of both his direct influence and extraordinary example.

I was 17 years old when Linfield took me on as a project.  (I was trouble looking for a place to happen)  I served as his driver, along with two of his nephews, and worked at the youth camps where he was speaking.  It was the beginning of a shift in my mindset, as I observed the difference that Linfield was making in the lives of young people.  God became real to me and the calling in my heart was birthed.  Linfield used to tell young pastors, "Pray that God will give you sons and daughters in the ministry."  Well, I am one of Linfield's sons...I am proud to be one of his sons in the ministry.

I am incredibly grateful for the life of Linfield Crowder.  I will miss my friend and mentor.  He will be missed, but not forgotten.  His work lives on in the lives of those he touched.  One of these days, I'm going to climb into the pulpit on a Sunday morning and cry in a loud voice, "Eternity, eternity, where will you spend eternity, and what will you do with Jesus!"

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